Friday, May 27, 2011

Moving Beyond SAD: Embrace the Mediterranean Lifestyle

The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
The standard American diet is often referred to as the acronym SAD. The SAD is indeed sad when we consider the impact that it has upon the health and wellbeing of Americans. The increase in chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes is of great concern. Lifestyle choices have a large impact on the development of chronic illnesses. In 2005, one of every two adults had at least one chronic illness. With the current increasing trend in obesity, this number is expected to rise with serious social and economic outcomes.

The SAD is a result of US farm and economic policies. Laws were created throughout our history that gave advantage to companies. These companies in turn controlled what crops farmers would grow and how food was developed from them. High fructose corn syrup and soy protein isolate are two examples of food additives cheaply created from subsidized corn and soy crops. Processed foods flooded the markets and Americans responded by buying them up. It appears that now the devil is collecting what is due. What is truly sad is that our children won't even have a chance. Obesity rates in children have skyrocketed with a concomitant increase in chronic diseases. Many healthcare professional are expecting children born today to have shorter lifespans than their parents.

Across the globe, people developed eating patterns that were consistent with their natural environments. This way of eating offered people the greatest advantage for survival. The Mediterranean diet is a prime example of this. I can wax poetic on the benefits of following a Mediterranean diet pattern, but there are wonderful resources that already exist. Instead, I'd like to focus on a few of the Mediterranean eating and lifestyle habits that Americans can easily follow in their natural environments.

1. Tend a garden: This is not a foreign concept in American history. Most families used to have to grow their own food. Gardening has become almost quaint with our busy lifestyles and the greater availability of convenience foods. If gardening is too challenging you can frequent farmer's markets weekly or join a Community Supported Agriculture group. Either way, you'll be connected to the land and the life-giving foods that come from it.

2. Plants, plants and more plants: Place focus on eating more plant-based foods. We certainly aren't lacking for protein in the US. What we are lacking is eating more plants. Every meal and snack of the day should contain plant food. We can explore eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains that offer a bounty of nutrients.

3. Go fishing: I mean this metaphorically, but if you actually can go fishing more power to you! Replace eating beef and pork with fish. The fish in the market today is fresher than ever and there are many wonderful options that come from our lakes, rivers and oceans.

4. Be a little nutty: Nuts are a plant-based source of protein and healthy fats. Many nuts such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and peanuts are cultivated in the US. Nuts can be used to enhanced the flavor of recipes or they can be a satisfying and nutritious snack when paired with a fruit or vegetable.

5. Cook and eat together: Nurturing is an innate human instinct, although some are more in tune with it than others. Our convenience-oriented environment has made it more difficult to become in tune with our more natural nurturing instincts. Cooking food to share with your family and friends is a great bonding activity. It is part of being human. Get everyone involved and enjoy the experience!

6. Get on your feet: Gardening, cooking, and walking to the market are all activities that support health. Life used to be very physical and now we have to exercise to replicate what we used to do on a daily basis for survival. An interesting thing is that all the exercise in the world won't save you if you sit for hours on end in a day.

A new US Food Guide will be unveiled June 2nd, 2011. Word has it that it will be very different from the Food Guide Pyramid of the last decade. A new icon was developed to more simply help Americans adopt the Dietary Guidelines into their lives. Whether or not the Food Guide is wonderful, all Americans can make little changes to move them to a healthier and closer relationship with the land that they live on.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Mindlessly Eat Better

Arrange your home and work environments
 to help you to make healthy food choices 

The food industry knows what we like. Sugar, fat, and salt have incredible power over us, and for a very good reason—survival. I recently had an opportunity to interview and attend a lecture by Brian Wansink, PhD, behavioral psychologist and author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think. We are programmed to love the taste of sugar, salt and fat according to Wansink. Our ancestors knew that sweet berries were safer to eat than bitter ones, and that they supplied us with much needed quick energy to help us build civilizations and flee danger. Fatty foods provided energy reserves to help us through periods of famine. Salt helped our active forbearers to retain water and prevent dehydration. Finding convenient food was also important for survival. The less time prehistoric humans spent in the pursuit of food, the less risk they had of encountering something that would pursue them as food. The concerns that our ancient ancestors had for survival are not as relevant to us today, but our preferences for sugar, fat, salt and convenience persist. Do not blame the food industry for the overabundance of convenient foods loaded with sugar, salt and fat. Dr. Wansink contends that the food industry’s only concern is to sell you the foods that you want. “They could care less if you eat it” he claims.

Our desire for sugar, salt, fat and convenience paired with a very marketing savvy food industry are a part of the reason we have become the fattest nation on earth. We make over 200 food decisions in a day, and many of those decisions are mindless. Dr. Wansink’s research shows that calorie consumption is greater when we are cued to eat mindlessly. He also discovered that no one is immune to it. Wansink studied graduate students who were trained to understand the concept of mindless eating, and found that they were just as likely to engage in eating mindlessly as anyone else. Education and intelligence do not prevent mindless eating.

It seems the answer to mindless eating would be to become more mindful of what we put into our mouths. However, Wansink believes that mindfulness requires too much energy to maintain. Instead he believes that we should adjust our environment to allow us to mindlessly eat better.

Eating Cues

There are many cues that promote mindless eating and they very often trump hunger. The cues around us suggest when it is time for us to eat; we may habitually eat at a certain time or take a specific amount of food because that is what we are used to doing. We develop unhealthy habits that we engage in frequently simply because they have become normal. Wansink has discovered that we can eat on average 20% more or less without being aware of it. He calls this the mindless eating margin. Big portion sizes and giant-sized packages have helped us to become accustomed to eating more. Making a few small changes can help us to eat less. The following is a list of cues that promote mindless eating with suggestions how we can re-engineer our environment to mindlessly eat better.

Dish and Utensil Size: Larger plates, bowls and serving spoons can encourage us to eat about 25-30% more food.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Use smaller plates, bowls and spoons when serving and eating food.

Glass Shape: We pour a greater volume of beverage in short wide glasses than in tall narrow ones. A study conducted on bartenders showed that they over poured beverages an average of 37% in short wide glasses.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Drink only from tall thin glasses.

Food Package Size: The larger the food package, the more we tend to eat.
Mindlessly Eat Better: When buying larger packages for value repackage the food into smaller portions at home right away and hide the extras.

Variety: When presented with a greater variety of food we will eat more total food than when we are given fewer food choices.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Provide a greater variety of healthy foods during meals such as offering two vegetables and/or a piece of fruit every time you eat.

Visibility: If we see food we will most likely eat it. In one study, participants ate 71% more candy when the candy in the dish was visible.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Place healthier foods in visible locations and less healthy foods in less visible locations in your workplace and home.

Family-Style Meals: We tend to take more food per serving and take additional servings of food when it is offered family-style.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Serve foods such as vegetables and fruits family style and serve entrées and bread, rice or pasta from the counter. Having to get up from the table to serve more food provides enough pause for us to determine if we are still hungry.

Distractions: Eating while doing other activities such as reading, working on the computer, watching TV or eating with other people promotes mindless eating.
Mindlessly Eat Better: Eat only fruits and vegetables when doing other activities. When eating with other people, pace yourself to be the last one to start eating and the last one to finish eating to avoid taking extra food.

Wansink says that, “it is easier to change your environment than to change your mind.” He is currently involved in a program called The Smarter Lunchroom Initiative whose mission is “to design sustainable research-based lunchrooms that subtly guide smarter choices.” Most lunchroom changes cost less than $50. By making healthy foods more visible (serving fruit in a nice bowl in a well-lit area) and offering a greater variety of healthy choices (two vegetables instead of one) schools can significantly promote healthier eating among students.

These strategies can also be used in home and work environments. Anyone can make two easy changes to eat better. You will hardly notice that you are hungry with a daily decrease of about 100-200 calories, but you will be establishing new eating patterns that will lead to significant weight loss and improved health over time. Don’t let another day, month or year go by without making a consistent change. Think about it, in a year you could be ten pounds heavier if you do nothing or ten pounds lighter if you change your environment.

This article will be published in Rochester Healthy Living.